
Puerto Rican Nurse Heritage

Primary languages are Spanish and English. Speech is fast by Western standards. Greetings should be formal. Older generations may regard direct eye contact as disrespectful, but most younger generations encourage it. Shaking hands is encouraged. Women of older generations may require a larger personal space when interacting with men. Many enjoy sharing personal information and expect the same in return from health-care workers while developing a professional relationship.

Health-care Practices:
Women may need to consult their husband prior to signing a consent. Many are reluctant to receive or donate blood. Same-gender health-care provider may
be requested. Many combine traditional, folk, and Western medicine.

Diet and Nutrition:
Rice and beans are a staple. Being overweight is a sign of health and wealth.

Pain Management:
Many tend to be loud and outspoken when expressing pain. Pain medication is openly accepted. Older generations may not understand the concept of a pain scale.

Death and Dying:
Seek out the head of the family (usually the eldest son or daughter) for notification of a deceased Pt. Grieving may be loud and expressive by Western standards.
Cremation is rarely practiced and autopsy is considered a violation of the body. Organ donation is regarded as highly positive.

Taboos and Disrespect:
Open communication about physical ailments and sexuality is taboo. Addressing Pt or family with terms such as “honey” or “sweetheart” may be considered

disrespectful. Refusing food from family members may be regarded as personal rejection.


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