
Russian Nurse Heritage

Primary language is Russian. Greetings should be formal. Direct eye contact and touching are acceptable, independent of age and gender. Until trust is established, Pts may be standoffish toward health-care workers.

Health-care Practices:
News of a critical or terminal illness is believed to make the condition worse. Cupping is a form of suction cup–like therapy used to treat a multitude of respiratory
illnesses. It produces bruising on the back, which may be misinterpreted as a sign of abuse. Many have an elevated fear of contracting HIV/AIDS from blood donation and transfusion.

Diet and Nutrition:
Bread is a staple in every meal. Diets are high in fat and sodium. Pts generally do not prefer cold drinks.

Pain Management:
More stoic by Western standards and are not likely to ask for pain medication. Health-care workers may need to encourage pain medication and explain that it will enhance healing.

Death and Dying:
Expression of grief is variable. Families prefer to be told of impending death before telling the patient. It is appropriate to discuss do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders with the family and Pt. Most prefer hospice care.

Taboos and Disrespect:
No significant cultural taboos noted.


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