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Mexican Nurse Heritage

Primary language is Spanish. Emphasis is placed on verbal communication. Greetings should be formal. Older generations may regard direct eye contact as disrespectful, but
most younger generations do not. Shaking hands is okay, but physical contact during an assessment may need to be explained.

Health-care Practices:
Assumption of the sick role is highly tolerated and family members readily take on the Pt’s responsibilities. Blood transfusion is acceptable.

Diet and Nutrition:
Rice, beans, and tortillas are staples. Being overweight is seen as positive.

Pain Management:
Explaining that pain medication promotes healing will help Pts to accept pain medication more easily.

Death and Dying:
Expect to have many visitors when death is imminent. Electric candles may be used when family wants lighted candles near the Pt. Organ donation and transplantation, cremation, and autopsy are generally not acceptable.

Taboos and Disrespect:

Direct eye contact with older generation.


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