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Haitian Nurse Heritage

Primary languages are French and Creole. Greetings should be formal and shaking hands is okay. Haitians are very expressive with their emotions, including loud animated
speech. Do not misinterpret loud speech as anger. Eye contact with authority figures is avoided, but otherwise acceptable. Casual touching is a common gesture and is not considered inappropriate.

Health-care Practices:
It is common for Haitians to use traditional and Western practitioners simultaneously. Privacy is highly regarded; therefore, family should not be used for interpretation.
Expect a large number of visitors for Haitian Pts. Nursing homes for the elderly are not acceptable to the family.

Diet and Nutrition:
Yogurt, cottage cheese, and runny egg yolks are not eaten, and Pts may refuse non-Haitian hospital food. Being overweight is normal compared to Western standards.

Pain Management:
Pain manifests outwardly with moaning and facial expressions. Many Haitians have a very low pain threshold.

Death and Dying:
Haitians prefer to die at home. Mourning is highly emotional and expressive by Western standards. Organ donation and transplantation are generally not acceptable.

Taboos and Disrespect: Homosexuality is taboo.


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