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Bosnian Nurse Heritage

Primary language is Serbian. Older and traditional Pts expect formal greetings. Females maintain eye contact with other women but not with men. Physical contact between genders is not exhibited in public. Shaking hands (right hand only) is okay, but males should not initiate a handshake with a female. Asking too many questions may cause apprehension.

Health-care Practices:
High value placed on cleanliness. Samegender health-care provider is strongly preferred. Most consider it shameful to accept Medicaid.

Diet and Nutrition:
Pork, pork products, and alcohol are prohibited by Muslims; medications should not contain alcohol. Pass food to Pts only with your right hand. During Ramadan, fasting is required from sunup until sundown.

Pain Management:
Most individuals are stoic; take cues from family members regarding Pt discomfort. Pain medication is acceptable.

Death and Dying:
Patients should face Mecca (NE from the U.S.) when death is imminent.

Taboos and Disrespect:

The left hand is used for toileting and is considered dirty.


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