C, J, K, and V refer to Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese.
language varies with country. Greetings should be formal (C, J, K, V). Direct
eye contact (C, J, K) or invasion of personal space (C, J) may cause
uneasiness. Touch only when necessary (C, J, V). Shaking hands is okay (J, K),
but males should not initiate a handshake with females (V).
Health-care Practices:
health-care provider is strongly preferred by women (C, K, V). Assumption of
the sick role is highly tolerated and long recuperation is encouraged (J). May
seek traditional, alternative treatment first, prior to accepting Western
medicine (C, J, K, V). Likely to refuse blood transfusions (V).
Diet and Nutrition:
Rice is a
staple (J, K, V) and is included in every meal throughout the day, including
snacks (J). Tofu is a staple (C). High intake of sweets may account for high
incidence of tooth decay (J). High incidence of lactose intolerance (J, K, V) and
iron-deficiency anemia (V). Prefer beverages without ice (C).
Pain Management:
May be
reluctant to accept or request pain medication (J, K).
Death and Dying:
for any special arrangements falls to the eldest son (J, K). Mourning can be
elaborate by Western standards (J) and include offerings of food and money (C,
J). The concept of advanced directives may be confusing (J). Strong desire to
die at home (V). Unlikely to consent to an autopsy (V) and organ donation or
transplantation may be unacceptable (J, K, V).
Taboos and Disrespect:
Open discussion
about serious illness and death (J), addiction (J), mental illness (J), direct
eye contact (C, J, V), pointing (V), chopsticks stuck upright in food (C), touching
the head (V), placing feet upon desk or table (V).
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