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Cuban Nurse Heritage

Primary language is Spanish. Speech tends to be loud and fast by western standards, and direct eye contact is acceptable during conversation. Greetings should be formal. Shaking hands and casual contact are okay, but necessity to touch private areas during an assessment may need to be explained.

Health-care Practices:
Language is the biggest barrier to health care and many may seek traditional, alternative treatment first; otherwise, Western medicine openly accepted. Blood transfusion is generally acceptable.

Diet and Nutrition:
Yams, yuca, plantains, and grains are a staple. High incidence of lactose intolerance. Being overweight is seen as positive, healthy, and sexually attractive.

Pain Management:
Pain is expressed openly as verbal complaints, moaning, and crying. Explaining that pain medication promotes healing will help Pts to accept pain medication more easily.

Death and Dying:
Bereavement is expressed openly and mourning may be elaborate by Western standards. Organ donation is generally acceptable.

Taboos and Disrespect:

Cutting an infant’s hair or nails before the age of 3 months is believed to cause blindness and deafness.


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