
Pediatric Health History

Pediatric Health History
Chief Complaint
What prompted parents to bring child to hospital?
What is child complaining of (pain, nausea, dyspnea)?
Focused Symptom Analysis
P: Precipitating or palliative factors.
Q: Quality/quantity; describe symptom(s). Are ADLs affected?
R: Radiation/region/related symptoms.
S: Severity; is symptom mild, moderate, or severe?
T:Timing; time of onset, frequency, and duration.
Immunization History
Are child’s immunizations up to date?
Has child ever been diagnosed with a communicable disease?
Has there been any recent exposure to a communicable disease?
Has child ever had allergic reaction to food, meds, etc.?
What types of reactions occur with known allergies?
Is child currently taking any medications? (Include OTC and prescription medications and herbal remedies.)
What was time and dose of last medication taken?
Past Medical History
Prior illnesses and injuries.
Past or recent hospitalizations and surgical procedures.
Overall health status since birth.
Events Surrounding Illness or Injury
History and onset of current illness.
History and mechanism of injury.
Current Intake and Output
Document last oral intake.
Has child been drinking and eating normally?
Assess for malnutrition and dehydration.
Does urine and stool output seem normal?


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