
Pediatric Assessment by Developmental Milestone

Pediatric Assessment by Developmental Milestone
Developmental Milestones
1 mo
Cries to communicate, reflex activity, eye contact
2 mo
Coos, smiles, frowns, tracks objects, lifts head
3 mo
Turns from back to side, sits with support
4 mo
Turns from back to abdomen, lifts head, bears weight on forearms, can hold head erect, places everything in mouth, grasps with both hands, laughs
5–6 mo
Turns onto back, uses hands independently, plays with toes, puts feet into mouth, sits alone leaning forward on hands, holds bottle, extends arms to be picked up, stranger anxiety
7–8 mo
Begins to crawl, bears weight on feet when supported, pulls to a standing position, sits alone without any support, increased fear of strangers, walks alongside furniture, well-developed crawl
9–10 mo
May begin to walk and climb, onetwo word vocabulary, understands “No!,” shakes head to indicate “No!,” follows simple directions
12 mo
Walks alone or with assistance, falls frequently while walking, points with one finger
15–18 mo
Walks independently, throws overhanded, pulls/pushes toys, builds with blocks, runs clumsily, jumps in place on both feet, 8—10 word vocabulary
2 yr
Runs well, climbs stairs, bladder and bowel (potty) trained, names objects, twothree word phrases
3–4 yr
Rides tricycle, turns doorknobs, dresses self, uses short sentences, hops on one foot, can catch a ball
6–12 yr
Physically coordinated, uses complete sentences, has extensive vocabulary, swims, skates, rides bicycle, uses complex sentences, reads, forms social groups


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