
Medication Administration

Medication Administration
Educating Pts about their medications is a critical nursing function that promotes proper medication use and improved outcomes. It also can prevent
adverse drug reactions or early or improper discontinuation of a medication. Many issues related to medication errors, such as ambiguous directions,
unfamiliarity with a drug, and confusing packaging, affect Pts as well as healthcare providers, thus underscoring need for careful education. Pt education also enhances compliance, which is a factor in proper medication use.

All Pts need clear written and verbal instruction for all medications.
Present information in a format Pt can understand.
Use an interpreter if provider and Pt speak different languages.
Do not rush.
Include family members.
Have Pt repeat information you provide.
Make sure to tell Pt:
■ Brand and generic names of medication.
■ Purpose of medication.
■ Strength and dose and when to take medication.
■ Possible side effects and what to do if they occur.
■ How long to take medication.
■ What medications or foods to avoid and why they should be avoided.
■ How to store medication.
■ What to do if a dose is missed.
■ What activities, if any, should be avoided while taking medication.
■ Signs and symptoms of adverse drug reaction.
■ To inform physician if they are pregnant or are likely to become pregnant while taking this medication.


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