
I am interested in participating in research studies on new treatments for diabetes.How do I go about it?

I am interested in participating in research studies on new treatments for diabetes.How do I go about it?

There are two main routes through which one can volunteer to participate in research studies involving diabetes. The first is to contact your local ADA or JDF affiliate, or their national website. Additionally, you can go to the http://www.clinicalresearch.gov and choose Where Can I Find Clinical Trials? where various links will direct you to a list of NIH-sponsored research projects in which you can participate. For clinical trials organized and sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry, you can go to http://www.clinicalconnection.com and select Find Clinical Trials, then enter diabetes as a keyword and enter your zip code.

Alternatively, you can contact your local medical center, teaching hospital, or university department of medicine, or your doctor, and ask for information on approved projects in the field of diabetes.

Remember that clinical research studies must be approved by the local or central body that governs ethical conduct of such research, the Institutional Review Board or “IRB.” Clinical research staff can only discuss projects that have already been approved by the IRB, with a view to recruiting you. Other studies, even though they may be planned or pending, can only be discussed in general terms and no steps, such as qualifying blood tests, can be made at this stage. If you provide the clinical research contact person with your contact information and written permission, he or she will contact you if a suitable project becomes approved and available for enrollment.

No matter how ready, willing, and able you are to participate, it may well be the case that a study that is specifically tailored to your type of diabetes or type of treatment may not be available. Do not be discouraged, nor feel that your volunteerism is not appreciated. Clinical research investigators and their staff are always delighted to know of potential participants in clinical research and will certainly contact you if any appropriate study arises. Also, be sure to mention your interest in research participation to your doctor as well anytime you are considering a specific project. He or she can discuss with you whether it is advisable for you to participate, given your individual health issues.

Clinical research investigators and their staff are always delighted to know of potential participants in clinical research and will certainly contact you if any appropriate study arises.


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