
How can I find and join a diabetes support group in my area?

How can I find and join a diabetes support group in my area?

A number of approved diabetes education programs have affiliated support groups for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The American Diabetes Association approves diabetes education programs and keeps a record of their locations and contact information. At http://www.diabetes.org/communityprograms-andlocalevents/ whatslocal.jsp you will be connected to the ADA site called What’s Happening Locally? On this site there is a link to ADA-recognized education programs and a link to a message board on which you can post a question about local support groups or other activities, or you can call your local ADA affiliate.

The staff of your local diabetes center or clinic will also probably know contact information for their affiliated support groups. You may find that other people whom you know with diabetes are a good resource for this kind of information, although this is a somewhat hit-and-miss resource, as the majority of people with diabetes are not members of a support group. Your diabetes educator (or the diabetes educator your doctor generally refers to) is often involved in some way with the local support groups or will be aware of their existence and be able to provide you with contact information. If you are in a rural or isolated area, there may well be no local support group available. However, there is nothing to stop you from starting your own, if you have identified that there is a need for one!


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