
Administration of oxygen

Administration of oxygen - Oxygen (O2) is administered as a corrective treatment for conditions resulting in hypoxia (low level of oxygen in the blood). Oxygen is classed as a medication and must be prescribed by a doctor and administered correctly to prevent over- or under-oxygenation.

Remember oxygen is NOT flammable, but it does aid combustion. Patients and visitors should therefore be educated about the increased risk of fire and the precautions necessary to reduce this risk when supplementary oxygen is in use (see ‘General considerations’ below).

Oxygen must only be administered at the rate and percentage prescribed, as over-oxygenation can be dangerous for some individuals, particularly those with chronic lung disease who are retaining carbon dioxide, and infants, where there is also a risk of retinopathy.

The equipment required consists of a mask or nasal cannula that enables the administration of the prescribed dose (percentage) (see Table 1.1); connection tubing; flow meter; wall or cylinder oxygen supply (oxygen cylinders are black with a white collar); and a humidifier with sterile water if required. The procedures and rationales are given below.

Explain procedure, addressing health and
safety precautions, and ensure
adequate understanding
To promote client co-operation and safety
Wash hands following correct procedure
To prevent cross-infection
Assemble equipment – For rates of 40%
and over, humidification (moistening of
the oxygen prior to it reaching the client)
is essential
To prevent dehydration of mucous
Set flow meter to prescribed rate,
e.g. 2 litres per minute
To prevent over/under-oxygenation.
NB It may be necessary to monitor the client’s
oxygen saturation rate (O2Sat) to ensure this,
particularly clients with chronic lung disease,
where there is a risk of apnoea, and babies,
where the O2Sat rate should not be allowed to
rise above 99% as there is a significant risk of
brain damage
Assist client to position mask (if mouth
breathing) or nasal cannula correctly, ensuring
a comfortable but not too tight a fit
To facilitate optimum administration,
promote patient comfort and reduce the
potential for pressure sores
Clients undergoing prolonged oxygen
therapy will require monitoring of
mucosa and frequent mouth/nasal care
(minimum 2 hourly, see Chapter 3)
To reduce the risk of dehydration and promote patient comfort
Encourage client to relieve the pressure
of the mask or cannula from the face,
nares and ears hourly as appropriate
To reduce the potential for pressure sores
Continue to monitor the client and
promptly report any change in condition
To ensure compliance and to optimize
Update nursing care plan
To ensure consistency in care delivery


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