

procedure for cystoscopy
The cystoscopy - The examination of the urethra and bladder using a cystoscope inserted up the urethra. A cystoscope is a viewing instrument, which can be rigid or flexible, sometimes with a camera at the tip (see endoscopy).

Cystoscopy is used to inspect the bladder for calculi (stones), bladder tumours, sites of bleeding and infection, and, in children, to investigate vesicoureteric

Cystoscopy is also used to take urine samples from the ureters so that doctors can look for infection or tumour cells. Radiopaque dye may be injected into the ureters by means of the cystoscope during the X-ray procedure of retrograde pyelography (see urography).

Certain treatments can also be performed through the cystoscope. These include the removal of bladder tumours or calculi and the insertion of stents (narrow tubes) into a ureter to relieve an obstruction.


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