
Convulsion, febrile

The convulsion, febrile - Twitching or jerking of the limbs with loss of consciousness that occurs in a child after a rapid rise in body temperature. Febrile convulsions are common and usually affect children between the ages of six months and five years.

The convulsions are due to immaturity of the temperature-lowering mechanism in the brain; the mechanism allows the child’s body temperature to rise too rapidly in response to infections such as measles or influenza.

Treatment involves lowering the temperature by sponging the child’s face and body with tepid water and using a fan. Seizures can often be prevented in susceptible children by giving paracetamol at the first signs of fever.

Most children who have one or more febrile convulsions suffer no long-term effects. However, there is a very small risk of developing epilepsy, which is increased in children with a pre-existing abnormality of the brain or nervous system, or children with a family history of epilepsy.


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