
Chlamydial infections

The chlamydial infections - Infectious diseases caused by chlamydiae, a group of microorganisms. Two main species of chlamydiae cause disease in humans.

The first, CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS, has a number of strains. In men, it is a major cause of nongonococcal urethritis, which may cause a discharge from the penis.

In women, the infection is usually symptomless, but it can lead to salpingitis. A baby born to a woman with chlamydial infection may acquire an acute eye condition called neonatal ophthalmia.

In parts of Africa and Asia, certain strains of CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS cause trachoma, a serious eye disease.

A second species of chlamydiae, CHLAMYDIA PSITTACI, mainly affects birds but can occasionally spread to people who have contact with pigeons, parrots, parakeets, or poultry, causing a type of pneumonia called psittacosis. Treatment for chlamydial infections is with antibiotic drugs.


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