

The Cervicitis - Inflammation of the cervix, usually due to an infection, such as gonorrhoea, chlamydial infections, or genital herpes (see herpes, genital).

Cervical infection may follow injury to the cervix during childbirth or surgery. The acute form of cervicitis often does not produce symptoms, although there may be a discharge from the inflamed cervix.

The chronic form may produce a vaginal discharge, irregular bleeding from the vagina, and pain low in the abdomen.

Untreated cervicitis can spread to cause endometritis, salpingitis, or pelvic inflammatory disease. If cervicitis is present in the mother, her baby may be infected during delivery resulting in neonatal ophthalmia or, less commonly, pneumonia due to chlamydial infection.

Treatment is with antibiotics or with antiviral drugs. If symptoms persist, the inflamed area of cervix may be cauterized by electrocoagulation, cryotherapy, or laser treatment.


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