
Cervical dysplasia

The cervical dysplasia - Changes in the surface cells of the cervix that may become cancerous. There are 3 grades of cervical dysplasia, mild, moderate, and severe,
based on the severity of the changes seen in cells obtained from a cervical smear test.

Abnormalities can also be classified as grades of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. In mild dysplasia, abnormal cells may return to a normal state without treatment;

severe dysplasia, left untreated, may progress to cervical cancer (see cervix, cancer of).

The cause of cervical dysplasia is not known, but risk factors include smoking and unprotected sex at an early age or with many partners. Treatment depends on the

severity of the condition. For mild or moderate dysplasia, laser treatment, freezing, or colposcopy may be used to destroy the abnormal cells.

Alternatively, the cells may be surgically removed. If the dysplasia is severe, an area of the cervix is removed (see cone biopsy).


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