
artificial insemination

artificial insemination - A form of assisted conception in which semen is introduced artificially into the uterus, instead of by sexual intercourse, with the aim of inducing pregnancy.

There are 2 types of artificial insemination: AIH, artificial insemination with the semen of the woman’s male partner; and AID, insemination with a donor’s sperm.

AIH is usually used for couples who are unable to have intercourse, or if the man has a low sperm count or a low volume of ejaculate. It is also used when semen has been stored from a man prior to treatment (such as chemotherapy) that has made him sterile. AID is available to couples if the man is infertile or is a carrier of a genetic disease.

It may also be used by a woman who wants children but has no male partner. Insemination is timed to coincide with natural ovulation or may be combined with treatment to stimulate ovulation.


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