
antidiabetic drugs

antidiabetic drugs - A group of drugs used to treat diabetes mellitus, in which a lack of insulin, or resistance to its actions, results in raised blood glucose

A wide range of antidiabetics are used to keep the blood glucose level as close to normal as possible, and consequently reduce the risk of complications such as vascular (blood vessel) disease.

Antidiabetic drugs include insulin, which must be administered by injection, and oral hypoglycaemics such as glibenclamide and metformin. Acarbose and guar gum reduce or slow absorption of carbohydrate from the intestines after meals.

Repaglinide stimulates insulin release from the pancreas for a short time and may be taken directly before meals. Rosiglitazone reduces resistance to the effects of insulin in the tissues and may be used together with other hypoglycaemics.


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