
Suctioning a Patient on a Ventilator

Suctioning a Patient on a Ventilator

■ Prepare Pt: Explain procedure and offer reassurance.
■ Gather supplies: Sterile gloves, sterile suction catheter and tubing, sterile normal saline, sterile basin, bag-valve mask connected to a supplemental oxygen source, suction source.
■ Equipment: Ensure that wall or portable suction is turned on (no higher than 120 mm Hg), and position supplies and suction tubing so that they are easily accessible.
■ Wash hands: Follow standard precautions.

■ Setup: Using sterile technique, open and position supplies so that they are within easy reach. Fill sterile basin with sterile normal saline, and open sterile
gloves close by so that they are easy to reach.
■ Position yourself: Stand at Pt’s bedside so that your nondominant hand is toward Pt’s head.
■ Preoxygenate: Manually ventilate Pt with 100% O2 for several deep breaths.

■ Don sterile gloves.
■ Wrap sterile suction catheter around your dominant hand and connect it to the suction tubing. Wrapping catheter around your hand prevents it from dangling and minimizes risk of contamination. Be careful not to touch your dominant hand with the end of suction tubing.
■ Note:Your nondominant hand is no longer sterile and must not touch any part of the catheter or your dominant hand.
■ Insert suction catheter just far enough to stimulate cough reflex.
■ Apply intermittent suction while withdrawing catheter and rotating 360 degrees for no longer than 10–15 seconds to prevent hypoxia.
■ Ventilate with 100% O2 for several deep breaths.
■ Repeat until Pt’s airway is clear.
■ Suction oropharynx after suctioning of airway is complete.
■ Rinse catheter in basin with sterile saline in between suction attempts (apply suction while holding tip in the saline).
■ Rinse suction tubing when done and discard soiled supplies.


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