
SAPS score

• Has a similar role to APACHE II, but more widely utilised in mainland Europe; the Simplifi ed Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) was devised by LeGall et al. in 1984 (SAPS I) and modifi ed by the same group in 1993 (SAPS II).
• As for APACHE II, burns and cardiac surgical patients are excluded
from analysis.
• The original version used 14 readily measured clinical and biochemical variables while the updated version, SAPS II, comprises 12 physiology variables, age, type of admission (medical, scheduled, or unscheduled surgical), and three underlying disease variables (see table opposite).
• A point score is based on the degree and prognostic importance of derangement of these variables in the fi rst 24h following ICU
admission. The point scoring was assigned following logistic regression modelling of data obtained from 8,369 patients in 137 adult ICUs in both Europe and North America and validated in a further 4,628 patients.
• The claimed advantage of this system is that it estimates the risk of death without having to specify a primary diagnosis.

SAPS II score


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