
Exercise and Nutrition Education

Exercise and Nutrition Education
General Principles and Guidelines
BMI of 25–30 kg/m2 = overweight; BMI >30 kg/m2 = obese.
1 lb of body fat = 3500 cal.
The recommended rate of weight loss is 1–2 lb/week.
Most effective way to manage weight is through combination of diet, exercise, and behavior modification.
Too many calories from any source of carbohydrates, fat, and/or protein promote weight gain.
Serving sizes of all foods should be managed.
Food pyramid can be used as guide to healthy eating.
Exercise burns calories and assists in weight management.
Attempt to complete 30–60 minutes of exercise each day.
Watch less TV and play fewer video games.
Fat is most concentrated source of calories, and an excessive amount is a contributing factor of weight gain. Limit fat (9 cal/g) intake to 25%–30% of total calories/day.
Keeping a food diary enhances successful weight management, and keeping a weekly graph of weight change is recommended.
Limit fast food to only those establishments that offer low-calorie menu options.
Keep food safe to eat (store foods at proper temperature and check expiration dates often).
Choose a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
Choose and prepare foods with less salt.
Choose a variety of grains daily, especially whole grains.
Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables daily.
Consume 6–8 cups (48–64 oz) of water daily.
Choose beverages and foods that limit your intake of sugar and caffeine.
If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.
Sources: Heska, S, et al: Weight loss with self-help compared with a structured commercial program: a randomized trial. JAMA 289: 14, 2003; and Lutz, C, and
Przytulski, K: Nutri Notes: Nutrition and Diet Therapy Pocket Guide. FA Davis, Philadelphia, 2004.


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