
Choking Quick Reference

Choking Quick Reference
Conscious Victim
1. Assess for airway obstruction.
Adult or child: Ask victim if he or she is choking; can he or she speak or make any sounds?
Infant: Cannot cry or ineffective cough

2. Attempt to relieve obstruction.
Adult or child: Abdominal thrusts until obstruction is relieved or victim becomes unresponsive (see step 3 below)
Pregnant or obese Pts: Chest thrusts until the obstruction is relieved or Pt becomes unresponsive (see step 3 below)
Infant: Five back blows and five chest thrusts until obstruction is relieved or victim becomes unresponsive (see step 3 below)
Unresponsive Victim
1. Determine unresponsiveness.
Adult: Get help or call 911 before any intervention.
Child or infant: Get help or call 911 after 1 min.
2. Open airway: Head-tilt, chin-lift. If trauma suspected, use jaw-thrust method.
3. Assess breathing and attempt to ventilate. If unsuccessful, reposition airway and reattempt ventilation. If still unsuccessful, begin
CPR (for all ages).
4. Inspect mouth and remove obstruction.
Adult, child, and infant: Use tongue-jaw lift while opening the airway during CPR and perform finger sweep only to remove visible foreign body.
5. Repeat the following steps: Inspect, sweep, ventilate, and CPR until obstruction relieved.

Note: If Pt resumes breathing, place into recovery position and reassess ABCs every min.


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