
Turning the Patient to a Side lying Position

Supplies and Equipment
- Pillows
- Side rails
- Cotton blanket or towels, rolled for support

1. Wash your hands
2. Explain the procedure to the client
3. Adjust the bed to a comfortable height
4. Lower the client’s head to as flat a position as he or she can tolerate, and lower the side rail.
5. Move the client to the far side of the bed. Raise the side rail.
6. Ask the client to reach for the side rail
7. Assume a broad stance, tensing your abdominal and gluteal muscles. Roll the client toward you.
8. Position the client’s legs comfortably.
(a) Flex his or her lower knee and hip slightly.
(b) Bring his or her upper leg for ward and place a pillow between legs.

9. Adjust the client’s arms
(a) Shift his or her lower shoulder to ward you slightly
(b) Support his or her upper arm on a pillow

10. Wedge a pillow behind the client’s back. Use rolled blankets or towels as needed for support.
11. Lower the bed, elevate the head of the bed as the client can tolerate, and raise the side rail.
12. Wash your hands.


Rinipooffice said...

Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information Knee pillow support

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