
Recovery position for children

An unconscious child whose airway is clear, and who is breathing spontaneously, should be turned on his side into the same recovery position as outlined for adults. This prevents the tongue falling back to obstruct the airway and reduces the risk of inhalation of stomach contents.

There are, however, a number of different recovery positions, each of which has its advocates. The important principles to be followed are:

• The child should be in as near a true lateral position as possible with his mouth positioned to allow free drainage of fluid.
• The position should be stable. In an infant this may require the support of a small pillow or rolled-up blanket placed behind the back to maintain the position.
• Any pressure on the chest that impairs breathing should be avoided.
• It should be possible to turn the child onto his side and to return him back easily and safely, paying particular attention to the possibility of cervical spine injury.
• Good observation and access to the airway should be possible.


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