
Monitoring peak flow

Monitoring peak flow - monitoring a client’s peak flow levels gives an indication of respiratory function and facilitates objective evaluation of treatment, for example nebulizer therapy. A peak flow recording is defined as a measurement of the amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled and is used to monitor respiratory function. Bear in mind that peak flow measurement should not be attempted on patients in severe respiratory distress.

The equipment needed to monitor peak flow consists of a peak flow meter and mouthpiece and an appropriate chart for recording the results. The procedures and rationales are given below.

Explain procedure and ensure
adequate understanding
To promote client co-operation and obtain
informed consent
Assist client into an upright position
To promote lung expansion
Fix mouthpiece to peak flow meter
To ensure correct assembly of equipment
Ensure the pointer is at zero
To ensure accurate reading is obtained
Hold meter, ensuring that fingers are
clear of the scale and the holes in the
base of the meter
To ensure accurate reading is obtained
Instruct client to take a deep breath
To fill lung fields to capacity with air to be exhaled
Instruct the client to hold the meter
To obtain accurate reading
Instruct client to place the mouthpiece
in their mouth and close lips
securely around it
To create a seal around the mouthpiece and
thus prevent air leakage
Instruct client to exhale as hard as
possible into the meter and sustain
this for as long as possible
To expel as much air as possible
Note the number on the scale
To monitor peak flow and compare to the norm. Norm values depend on age, height and gender, e.g. Boy aged 9, 1.47 m = 350 litres/min Woman aged 30, 1.60 m = 475 litres/min Man aged 50, 1.75 m = 600 litres/min
Return pointer to zero
To prepare for second attempt
Repeat procedure twice more
To obtain highest score from three attempts
Reposition the client
To promote client comfort
Record scores on appropriate chart
and report any deviation from the
Legal requirement to maintain documentation
and safeguard the client through good
Wash mouthpiece in warm water with
a mild detergent and dry thoroughly
unless disposable
To prevent cross-infection


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