
Bathing and showering in the bathroom

The client’s preference may be for a general bath (sometimes referred to as an ‘up bath’ or shower. An assessment of the individual client’s preference along with an assessment of their strength, mobility and mental capacity is essential prior to the carrying out of this activity. The nurse must ensure the client’s safety at all times. The procedures and rationales of bathing/showering in the bathroom are given below.

Plan the activity with the client and explain
the procedure
To gain consent and co-operation
Prepare a warm environment, and ensure that
all equipment is in the bathroom/shower room
prior to taking the client
Prevents cooling. Ensures privacy and client safety. Saves time and is therefore a more effective use of resources
Assist the client in gathering towels, clean
clothing/nightwear and toiletries. Walk with
the client to the bathing area (if appropriate).
If the client has difficulty mobilizing, it may be
necessary to use a mechanical hoist or wheelchair
Promotes independence and ensures client safety
Apply apron, wash hands and apply gloves as
Personal protection and prevention of cross-infection
Line the bath with a plastic liner and prepare
the water for the bath/shower, monitoring the
temperature using a lotion thermometer, and
adjust to meet client’s preferences.
Reduces potential for cross-infection. Promotes client safety and comfort
NB Always run cold water first and adjust to
warm (approx. 30oC).
To prevent scalding
Assist client in undressing, but keep covered until immersed in water
To promote and maintain client independence and to maintain body temperature, client dignity and privacy
Assist client into bath or under the shower.
Two nurses may be required for this activity
(client may need to sit on hoist seat in the bath, or shower chair in the shower)
Client safety/comfort
Assist the client in washing, ensuring face, neck and upper body are washed first
To reduce risk of cross-contamination
If required, assist client in washing hair
To promote a sense of well-being and a positive body image
When finished, assist client out of bath/ shower. Ensure towels are immediately available for drying
To promote client safety. To prevent body cooling
Assist client to dry as necessary paying particular
attention to feet and in between toes
Leaving moist areas can lead to excoriation and infection
Encourage client to sit on chair, if unsteady,
covered by a towel
Client safety, warmth and protection
Assist client to dress as desired
Promote independence, self-esteem
Assist the client in cleaning teeth/dentures
either at sink, in bathroom or showering area
(see below)
To promote good oral hygiene, client comfort and well-being
Assist the client in combing/brushing hair
To promote a positive self-image
Assist the client in gathering all toiletries
before returning to client’s bed area
Safety and security
Assist the client to chair or bed depending on
client’s preference and ensure they are left
with their belongings within easy reach
Client comfort and safety
Remove any equipment from bathroom/
shower area. Clean, dry or dispose of as
required. Clean the bath out thoroughly
To reduce the risk of cross-infection
Remove apron and gloves and wash hands
Prevent risk of cross-infection
Record in nursing care records. Report any
abnormal findings or adverse reactions
Legal requirement. Facilitates effective
communication amongst health care staff


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