
Assisting individuals to dress

Dressing allows the client to maintain their individuality, self-image and self-esteem besides providing protection. It is an important vehicle for communicating one’s personality, values, beliefs and culture in society, as well as one’s gender. Nurses can assist clients in this activity by encouraging them to make choices and decisions about their personal dress and assisting them in this activity when they are unable to self-care.

Dressing best takes place following washing or bathing though clothes should always be changed when soiled, to promote the client’s dignity. Clothes worn during waking hours should not be worn for sleeping as one can lose up to one litre of sweat during the night and this can increase significantly in illness.

When dressing the client in clothing of their choosing bear in mind that the clothes should be in keeping with the environment, the general condition of the client and the time of day. Also consider their ease of removal and application and the need for access, for example intravenous cannulation, catheters and drains. The procedures and rationales for assisting clients to dress are given below.

Assist the client to select suitable clothes. This may be their own personal clothing or clothing from the clinical area’s supplies. NB If personal clothing is used great care
should be taken to ensure that this does not find its way into the general laundering system
To include them in active decision–making and promote individuality
Ensure privacy
Dignity of client
Assist client to remove soiled clothing,
outer garments first. If necessary assist in
cleansing prior to redressing
To maintain hygiene
Have clothing available and ready to use. If
client has limited mobility or limb injuries
as identified during their mobility assessment
(see Chapter 2), remove clothing
from unaffected side first
Prevents unnecessary cooling of the
client. Avoids injury
Be aware of wounds, drains and indwelling
catheters when removing clothing and
re-dressing client
To avoid discomfort and disturbance
Give the client time, and encourage them to
perform as much of the activity as possible
To promote independence and self-care
Remove clothing in a systematic way,
e.g. top to bottom, replacing with clean
clothing as each item is removed. If personal
clothing is removed ensure these are
stored safely in client’s locker prior to
Prevents unnecessary cooling
Choose clothing with easy fitting fastenings,
e.g. Velcro fasteners, rather than buttons
and/or loose sleeves if appropriate
(if client has difficulty with traditional
To promote independence and self-care
Give client access to mirror to check
overall appearance
Confirm approval. Promote positive selfimage
Ensure client is left comfortable.
Record any changed care needs in nursing
To ensure continuity of care


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