
Assessing the pulse

Monitoring a client’s pulse forms part of the assessment of vital signs and assists nursing and medical staff in determining the client’s general health and well-being. The equipment needed comprises a watch with a second hand and an appropriate chart for recording. The procedures are outlined below.

Explain procedure and obtain consent
To gain informed consent and reduce anxiety
Wash hands thoroughly
To minimize the risk of cross-infection
Place fingertips over selected artery,
apply gentle pressure and feel for pulse
To confirm position and identify pulse. If you
apply too much pressure you may occlude
the blood supply and therefore you will not
be able to feel the pulse
Begin to count pulse and, using a watch, follow the sweeping second hand for 60 seconds
Normal ranges (beats per minute):
Newborn: 70–190
2–5 years: 80–160
6–14 years: 70–120
Adult: 55–90
To elicit the rate
Note the rhythm (pattern) of the beats
To determine intervals between each beat
and check the regularity. Any abnormal
rhythm (arrhythmia) should be reported
Record on appropriate chart (see Figure
4.1) and/or care plan and report any
deviation in rate, rhythm or strength
Legal requirement to maintain documentation
and safeguard client through good
Wash hands thoroughly
To reduce risk of cross-infection

Figure 4.1 Example of a care plan


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