
Aseptic or non touch technique

The main aim of this technique is to reduce the risk of cross-infection or contamination during clinical procedures. The equipment required will be dependent upon the task but generally includes a dressing trolley or other clean working surface, sterile gloves, disposable apron, sterile dressing pack, sterile forceps (if required), sterile fluids, syringe and receptacle (if necessary), appropriate dressing(s) and hypo-allergenic tape. The procedure is outlined below.

Explain procedure to the client, ensure
adequate understanding and obtain consent
To gain informed consent and ensure
Encourage the client to adopt an appropriate
and comfortable position and
loosen dressing(s) without exposing the
patient unduly
To reduce anxiety, promote comfort and
facilitate ease of procedure whilst maintaining
Prepare the environment and allow airborne
dust and micro-organisms to settle before proceeding
To reduce the potential for cross-infection
Put on appropriate plastic apron and
wash hands thoroughly (see above)
To reduce the risk of cross-infection and to
remove transient organisms
Clean dressing trolley with alcoholic surface
wipe or soap and water if debris evident,
cleaning from top to bottom and
drying thoroughly (refer to local policy)
To provide a clean working surface. Washing
from top to bottom moves any microorganisms
down from the work surface and reduces the likelihood of recontamination
Collect all equipment and place on bottom
shelf of trolley
Maintains a clean empty work surface
Take trolley/equipment to the client,
disturbing the area as little as possible
To minimize airborne contamination
Check the expiry date on sterile dressing
pack; make sure it is intact and dry. Open
the outer cover of the pack and slide the
contents onto the trolley top
To ensure that only sterile products are used
Open sterile field/paper using corners
only and position over work surface
To reduce the risk of contamination and to
provide a sterile working area
Position contents of pack then check and
open any other packages, maintaining
sterility of field
To ensure all equipment is sterile and
readily accessible
Remove soiled dressing(s) using forceps
To reduce risk of contamination
Wash hands thoroughly using appropriate
cleaning agent
To reduce risk of cross-contamination
If using sterile gloves apply now, touching
only the inside of the cuff
To maintain sterility of glove. Gloves allow
greater dexterity for user and reduce risk of
further trauma for client
Place sterile field around area, e.g. wound, perineum
To provide a sterile working area in close
proximity to area requiring cleaning or
dressing and to reduce the risk of contamination
Cleanse the wound if necessary
Wounds only require cleaning if infected, and
should be irrigated rather than swabbed, to
reduce the likelihood of tissue damage.
Clean wounds should always be dressed first
to reduce the potential for cross-infection
Apply and secure dressing as appropriate,
ensuring client comfort
To protect the wound, promote healing and
ensure client compliance
Dispose of clinical waste and instruments
as per universal precautions and hospital
To reduce risk of contamination to others or
Dispose of apron and gloves, if worn, in
appropriate receptacle
To reduce the risk of cross-infection
Wash and dry dressing trolley
To reduce the risk of cross-infection
Wash hands thoroughly
To reduce the risk of cross-infection
Document care given and report any
changes or abnormalities in evaluation
Legal requirement to maintain documentation
and safeguard client through effective


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