

Glutamine - is primarily synthesised in skeletal muscle and is the most abundant amino acid. It is a major metabolic fuel for the enterocytes in the gut mucosa. Glutamine is also required for lymphocyte and macrophage function, and is a precursor for nucleotide synthesis. Glutathione is a product of glutamine metabolism, and has an important role as an antioxidant.Although not regarded as an essential amino acid, it becomes conditionally essential in catabolic states. Surgery, trauma or sepsis decreases plasma concentrations. Some studies have shown that glutamine-supplemented enteral feeds improve nitrogen balance, reduce infections and length of hospital stay.This may, at least in part, be explained by the reduced bacterial translocation. However, none of these studies has shown improved survival when compared with standard feeds.

Immunonutrition – to maintain gut integrity and prevent bacterial translocation during critical illness

Orally: 5 g 6 hourly
Dissolve the 5-g sachet in 20 ml WFI

Phenylketonuria (contains aspartame)


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