
Urinary Catheters

Urinary Catheters

Straight Catheter
■ Also called a red rubber catheter or “straight cath.” Straight catheters have only a single lumen and do not have a balloon near the tip. Straight catheters are inserted for only as much time as it takes to drain the bladder or obtain a urine specimen.

Indwelling Catheter
■ Also called a Foley or retention catheter. Indwelling catheters have two lumens, one for urine drainage and the other for inflation of the balloon near the tip. Three Way Foley catheters are used for continuous or intermittent bladder irrigation. They have a third lumen for irrigation.

Procedure for Insertion
■ Prepare Pt: Explain procedure and provide privacy.
■ Collect the appropriate equipment.
■ Place Pt in the supine position (Female: knees up, legs apart; Male: legs flat, slightly apart).
■ Open and set up catheter kit using sterile technique.
■ Don sterile gloves and set up sterile field.
■ If placing indwelling catheter, check for leaks and proper inflation of balloon by filling with 5 mL of sterile water. Remove water.
■ Lubricate end of catheter.
■ Saturate cotton balls with cleansing solution (assess Pt allergies).
■ With nondominant hand (now contaminated); Female: hold labia apart; use dominant (sterile) hand to hold swabs with sterile forceps and swab from front to back, in the following order: (1) labia farthest from you, (2) labia nearest to you, (3) center of the meatus between each labia. Use one swab per swipe. Male: retract foreskin; use dominant (sterile) hand to hold swabs with sterile forceps and swab in a circular motion from the meatus outward. Repeat three times, using a different swab each time. Ensure that foreskin is NOT left retracted once procedure is completed.
■ Gently insert catheter (about 2–3 inches for females and 6–9 inches for males) until the return of urine is noted.
■ For straight catheters: Obtain specimen or drain bladder and then remove and discard catheter.
■ For indwelling catheters: Insert an additional inch and then inflate balloon.
■ Attach catheter to drainage bag using sterile technique.
■ Secure catheter to Pt’s leg according to hospital policy.
■ Hang drainage bag on bed frame below level of the bladder.
■ Document type and size of catheter, amount and appearance of urine, and how Pt tolerated the procedure.


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