
Transcutaneous Pacing (TCP)

■ Symptomatic 2nd-degree AV block type II or 3rd-degree AV block.
■ Symptomatic bradycardia unresponsive to atropine.
■ Bradycardia with ventricular escape rhythms.
■ Overdrive pacing of tachycardia refractory to drug therapy or electrical cardioversion (to be preformed by a physician only).

Pacing Modes
■ Demand (synchronous) mode senses the Pt’s heart rate and paces only when the heart rate falls below the clinician-set rate.
■ Fixed (asynchronous) mode does not sense the heart rate, but rather paces at the rate set by the clinician.

■ Pads: Apply pacing electrodes to Pt per package instructions.
■ Power: Turn on the pacemaker and ensure all cables are connected.
■ Rate: Set demand rate to approximately 80 bpm.
■ Current: Output ranges from 0–200 milliamperes (mA)
 ■ Bradycardia: Increase mA from minimum setting until a consistent capture is achieved, then increase output by 2 mA.
 ■ Asystole: Begin at full output. If capture occurs, slowly decrease output until capture is lost, and then increase output by 2 mA.


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