


P (provokes)
What provokes the pain (exertion,
spontaneous onset, stress,
postprandial, etc.)?
Q (quality)
Is it dull, achy, sharp, stabbing, pressing,
deep, surface, etc.? Similar to pain
you’ve had before?
R (radiation or
Does it travel anywhere (to the jaw,
back, arms, etc.)? What makes it better
(position, being still)? What makes it
worse (inspiration, movement)?
S (severity or signs
and symptoms)
Explain the pain scale and have Pt rate
pain. Are there any associated signs
or symptoms (nausea, vomiting,
dizziness, diaphoresis, pallor,
shortness of breath [SOB], dyspnea,
abnormal vital signs, etc.)?
T (time; onset
and duration)
When did it start? Is it constant or
intermittent? How long does it last?
Sudden or gradual onset? Does it start
after you’ve eaten? Frequency?


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