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Pediatric Assessment

Developmental Milestones
1 month
Cries to communicate, reflex activity, eye contact
2 months
Coos, smiles, frowns, tracks objects, lifts head
3 months
Turns from back to side, sits with support
4 months
Turns from back to abdomen, lifts head and
bears weight on forearms, can hold head
erect, places everything in mouth, grasps with
both hands, laughs, makes consonant sounds
5 months
Turns from abdomen to back, uses hands
independently, plays with toes, puts feet into
6 months
Sits alone leaning forward on hands, holds
bottle, extends arms to be picked up, starts to show a fear of strangers, begins to make
wordlike sounds, looks for dropped objects,
plays “peek-a-boo”
7 months
Begins to crawl, bears weight on feet when
8 months
Pulls to a standing position, sits alone without
any support, increased fear of strangers
9 months
Walks along side furniture, well-developed crawl, bangs objects together, drinks from cup, attempts to feed self, looks for hidden objects
10 months
May begin to walk and climb, one-handed
dominance apparent, may say one or two
meaningful words
11 months
Understands meaning of word “No,” shakes
head to indicate “No,” can follow simple
directions, cooperates with dressing activities, uses spoon
12 months
Walks alone or with one hand held, falls
frequently while walking, points with one
finger, drinks well with cup, pulls off socks
15 months
Walks independently, throws overhanded,
pulls or pushes toys, builds with blocks,
scribbles with crayon
18 months
Runs clumsily, jumps in place with both feet,
can say about 10 words, may be able to
control anal and urinary sphincters
2 years
Runs well, climbs stairs by placing both feet
on each step, attains bladder and bowel
control between 2 and 3 years of age, names
familiar objects, combines two to three
words into meaningful phrase
2 1/2 years
Jumps from chair or step, stands on one foot
3 years
Rides tricycle, turns doorknobs, climbs stairs
by alternating feet on steps, dresses self,
uses short sentences
4 years
Hops on one foot, catches ball, names colors
5 years
Skips well, jumps rope, maintains balance with eyes closed, uses complete sentences,
vocabulary of about 2100 words
6–12 years
Swims, skates, rides bicycle, ties shoes, uses crayon or pencil well, has strong sense of fairness, awareness of rule-governed
behavior, uses complex sentences, reads,
counts, forms clubs or groups
Learns to care for self independently while
learning to effectively interact with society


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