
Medication Error Intervention

Immediate Interventions
Discontinue the medication.
Treat symptoms of ADR per protocol.

Focused Assessment
Assess for any ADR to the medication including changes in LOC, VS, N&V, allergic reaction, etc.
Ascertain whether the patient has any known allergy to the medication given in error.

Ongoing Assessment and Intervention
Notify physician of medication error, along with any adverse reactions to the medication.

Complete the appropriate documentation per hospital policy.
Document on MAR and progress notes if indicated.
Avoid using such phrases such as “given in error.” State the facts; document the medication, dose, time, and route on the MAR.
In the progress notes, document physician notified.
If there was any ADR, include intervention and outcome.
Do not indicate within the progress notes that an incident report was filled out (e.g., “see incident report”).


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