
Filipino Nurse Heritage

Primary language is Pilipino, but starting in the third grade, all education is taught in English. Adults should be greeted formally. Prolonged eye contact is avoided with a figure of authority or a person who is older. Meanings are embedded in nonverbal communication. Male health-care workers should avoid prolonged eye contact with younger females, as it may be interpreted as flirting. Close, personal space should be respected.

Health-care Practices:
High value placed on personal cleanliness. May seek traditional, alternative treatment first; otherwise, Western medicine openly accepted. Assumption of the sick role is highly tolerated and family members readily care for the Pt.

Diet and Nutrition:
High incidence of lactose intolerance. Cold drinks, fruit juice, and tomatoes are avoided in the morning to prevent stomach upset.

Pain Management:
More stoic by Western standards. Pain medication may need to be encouraged.

Death and Dying:
Many are resistant to discussing advanced directives or living wills. Cremation is acceptable, but organ donation is not.

Taboos and Disrespect:

Planning one’s death is viewed as tempting fate.


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