
Cultural Diversity in Health Care

Note: Within the United States there are more than 400 ethnocultural groups, making it impossible to include cultural characteristics for all of them. The cultural groups selected for inclusion in this book met at least one of the following criteria: (a) the group has a large population in the United States, (b) the group is relatively new in its migration status, (c) the group is widely dispersed throughout the United States, (d) little is written about the group in the health-care literature, or the group holds a significant minority or disenfranchised status.

Guidelines for a Positive Cultural Interaction
Be aware that culture has a strong influence on an individual’s interpretation of and responses to health care.
Assess Pt’s depth of understanding of English and use an interpreter whenever needed.
Ask Pts how they like to be greeted and what name they prefer.
Identify who makes decisions: Pt, spouse, children, etc.
If unsure, ask Pts specific questions regarding their culture.

Be open-minded, accepting, and willing to learn.


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