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Choking Quick Reference

Conscious Victim

Assess for airway obstruction.
■ Adult or child: ask if choking, can they speak?
■ Infant: cannot cry or ineffective cough.

Attempt to relieve obstruction.
■ Adult or child: abdominal thrusts until the obstruction is relieved or victim becomes unresponsive.
■ Infant: 5 back blows and 5 chest thrusts until the obstruction is relieved or victim becomes unresponsive.

Unresponsive Victim

Determine unresponsiveness.
■ Adult: get help or call 911 prior to any intervention.
■ Child or infant: get help or call 911 after 1 minute.
Open airway. head-tilt, chin-lift. If trauma suspected, use the jawthrust method.
Assess breathing and attempt to ventilate. If unsuccessful, reposition airway and reattempt ventilation. If still unsuccessful:
■ Adult or child: straddle victim’s thighs and administer abdominal thrusts.
■ Infants: administer 5 back blows and 5 chest compressions.

Inspect mouth and remove obstruction.
■ Adult: tongue-jaw lift and sweep mouth.
■ Child/infant: tongue-jaw lift and remove only if obstruction can be seen.
Repeat the following steps: inspect, sweep, ventilate, and abdominal thrusts/back blows until relieved.
Note: If Pt resumes breathing, place into recovery position and reassess ABCs every minute.


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