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American Indian Nurse Heritage

Primary language varies from tribe to tribe, but most younger generations are bilingual (English and their native language). Greetings should be formal. Long periods of silence are normal. Talking loud is rude. Physical contact from strangers is unacceptable; however, shaking hands is okay. Respect personal space, as it is generally greater than that of European-Americans.

Health-care Practices:
A lot of questioning during an assessment may foster mistrust. Illness is unacceptable; older Pts, even when seriously ill, must be encouraged to rest.

Diet and Nutrition:
Food has major significance beyond nourishment, but is not generally associated with promoting health or illness. Corn is a staple. Diet may be deficient in
vitamin D due to high incidence of lactose intolerance.

Pain Management:
Most individuals are stoic and will not ask for pain meds; it is believed that pain should be endured.

Death and Dying:
Autopsy and organ donation are unacceptable to traditional American Indians.

Taboos and Disrespect:
Direct eye contact and/or pointing of finger may be disrespectful.


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