
Providing Denture Care

Goal: The patient will have a clean mouth and clean dentures, exhibit a positive body image, and verbalize the importance of oral care.

1. Perform hand hygiene and put on PPE, if indicated.

2. Identify patient. Explain procedure to patient.

3. Assemble equipment on overbed table within reach.

4. Provide privacy for patient.

5. Lower side rail and assist patient to sitting position, if permitted, or turn patient onto side. Place towel across patient’s chest. Raise bed to a comfortable working position, usually elbow height of the caregiver (VISN 8 Patient Safety Center, 2009). Put on gloves.

6. Apply gentle pressure with 4 4 gauze to grasp upper denture plate and remove it. Place it immediately in denture cup. Lift lower dentures with gauze, using slight rocking motion. Remove, and place in denture cup.

7. Place paper towels or washcloth in sink while brushing. Using the toothbrush and paste, brush all surfaces gently but thoroughly. If patient prefers, add denture cleaner to cup with water and follow directions on preparation.

8. Rinse thoroughly with water. Apply denture adhesive, if appropriate.

9. Use a toothbrush and paste to gently clean gums, mucous membranes, and tongue. Offer water and/or mouthwash so patient can rinse mouth before replacing dentures.

10. Insert upper denture in mouth and press firmly. Insert lower denture. Check that the dentures are securely in place and comfortable.

11. If the patient desires, dentures can be stored in the denture cup in cold water, instead of returning to the mouth. Label the cup and place in the patient’s bedside table.

12. Remove equipment and return patient to a position of comfort. Remove your gloves. Raise side rail and lower bed.

13. Remove additional PPE, if used. Perform hand hygiene.


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