Goal: An uncontaminated specimen is obtained without injury to the patient and sent to the laboratory promptly.
1. Bring necessary equipment to the bedside stand or overbed table. Check the expiration date on the swab package.
2. Perform hand hygiene and put on PPE, if indicated.
3. Identify the patient. Discuss with patient the need for a nasal swab. Explain to patient the process by which the specimen will be collected.
4. Check the specimen label with the patient’s identification bracelet. Label should include patient’s name and identification number, time specimen was collected, route of collection, identification of person obtaining the sample, and any other information required by agency policy.
5. Close curtains around bed or close the door to the room, if possible.
6. Put on nonsterile gloves.
7. Ask the patient to cough and then to tip his or her head back. Assist, as necessary.
8. Peel open the swab packaging to expose the swab and collection tube. Remove the cap from the collection tube and discard. Remove the swab from packaging by grasping the exposed end. Take care not to contaminate the swab by touching it to any other surface.
9. Ask the patient to open the mouth. Inspect the back of the patient’s throat using the tongue depressor.
10. Continue to observe the nasopharynx and insert the swab approximately 6 inches (adult) through one naris to the nasopharynx. Rotate the swab. Leave the swab in the nasopharynx for 15 to 30 seconds and remove. Take care not to touch the swab to the patient’s tongue or sides of the nostrils.
11. Insert the swab into the collection tube, taking care not to touch any other surface.
12. Dispose of used equipment per facility policy. Remove gloves. Perform hand hygiene.
13. Place label on the collection tube per facility policy. Place container in plastic, sealable biohazard bag.
14. Remove other PPE, if used. Perform hand hygiene.
15. Transport the specimen to the laboratory immediately. If immediate transport is not possible, check with laboratory personnel or policy manual whether refrigeration is contraindicated.
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