
Hand Hygiene (Using Soap and Water)

Hand Hygiene (Using Soap and Water)

■ Liquid soap (antimicrobial).
■ Paper towels.
■ Warm, running water.
■ Hand moisturizer (optional).

■ Inspect the condition of your nails (no longer than 1/4 in. from the fingertips, preferably no polish, definitely no chipped polish or artificial nails).
■ Be Safe! Check your hands for breaks in the skin.

Key Points
■ Remove your jewelry and watch.
■ Wet your hands and wrists under running water.
■ Apply 3 to 5 mL of liquid soap (or 3 to 4 pumps from a dispenser).
■ Vigorously wash hands and fingers with warm water for at least 15 seconds (as long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday), lathering all surfaces.
■ Clean under your fingernails.
■ Rinse and dry your hands thoroughly.
■ Turn off the faucet with a dry paper towel.

■ Hand hygiene is a responsibility of all healthcare providers. It does not require documentation.

Keep your hands lower than your forearms
Use a dry paper towel to turn off the faucet


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