
Assisting the Patient to Shave

Goal: The patient skin is free of hair without evidence of trauma to the skin.

1. Perform hand hygiene. Put on PPE, as indicated.

2. Identify patient. Explain procedure to the patient.

3. Assemble equipment on overbed table within reach.

4. Close curtains around bed and close the door to the room, if possible.

5. Cover patient’s chest with a towel or waterproof pad. Fill bath basin with warm (43 C to 46 C [110 F to 115 F]) water. Put on gloves. Moisten the area to be shaved with a washcloth.

6. Dispense shaving cream into palm of hand. Apply cream to area to be shaved in a layer about 0.5 inch thick.

7. With one hand, pull the skin taut at the area to be shaved. Using a smooth stroke, begin shaving. If shaving the face, shave with the direction of hair growth in downward, short strokes. If shaving a leg, shave against the hair in upward, short strokes. If shaving an underarm, pull skin taut and use short, upward strokes.

8. Wash off residual shaving cream.

9. If patient requests, apply aftershave or lotion to area shaved.

10. Remove equipment and return patient to a position of comfort. Remove your gloves. Raise side rail and lower bed.

11. Remove additional PPE, if used. Perform hand hygiene.


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