
Applying an External Fecal Collection System

Applying an External Fecal Collection System

■ pH-balanced soap and water or recommended skin cleanser.
■ Skin protection wipes (e.g., peristomal wipes to protect skin and improve adherence).
■ Self-adhesive fecal containment device.
■ Procedure gloves.
■ Linen-saver pad.
■ Scissors.

■ Assess bowel patterns (fecal diversion is indicated when the patient is incontinent of liquid or semiliquid stools).
■ Be Safe! Assess for contraindications to the use of an external fecal collection device; allergies/sensitivities to silicone or any of the materials in the device; impaired perirectal skin integrity.

Post-Procedure Reassessment
■ Assess how well the patient tolerated the procedure.
■ Note the color, consistency, and odor of stool.
■ Monitor for abdominal distention and pain.
■ Regularly assess that connections are secure and that the device is not leaking.
■ Monitor the amount of stool in the collection bag.
■ Be Smart! Change the collection bag when it is about 2/3 full.

Key Points
■ Select the fecal management system appropriate for the patient.
■ Obtain assistance as needed.
■ Place the patient side-lying.
■ Don procedure gloves.
■ Cleanse and dry perineal area; clip hair as needed.
■ Spread the buttocks and apply the device; avoid gaps and creases.
■ Connect the pouch to a drainage bag; hang lower than the patient.

■ Record:
■ Date, time, and type of collection device used.
■ Assessment of the perineal skin.
■ Patient’s tolerance of the procedure.
■ Characteristics and amount of stool in the collection bag (output).
■ Patient/family teaching.


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