Goal: The patient experiences increased joint mobility.
1. Review the medical record and nursing plan of care for the appropriate degrees of flexion and extension, the cycle rate, and the length of time the CPM is to be used.
2. Obtain equipment. Apply the soft goods to the CPM device.
3. Perform hand hygiene. Put on PPE, as indicated.
4. Identify the patient. Explain the procedure to the patient.
5. Close curtains around bed and close the door to the room, if possible. Place the bed at an appropriate and comfortable working height, usually elbow height of the caregiver (VISN 8 Patient Safety Center, 2009).
6. Using the tape measure, determine the distance between the gluteal crease and the popliteal space.
7. Measure the leg from the knee to 14 inches beyond the bottom of the foot.
8. Position the patient in the middle of the bed. The affected extremity should be in a slightly abducted position.
9. Support the affected extremity and elevate it, placing it in the padded CPM device.
10. Make sure the knee is at the hinged joint of the CPM device.
11. Adjust the footplate to maintain the patient’s foot in a neutral position. Assess the patient’s position to make sure the leg is not internally or externally rotated.
12. Apply the restraining straps under the CPM device and around the leg. Check that two fingers fit between the strap and the leg.
13. Explain the use of the STOP/GO button to the patient. Set the controls to the prescribed levels of flexion and extension and cycles per minute. Turn on the power to the CPM.
14. Set the device to ON and start the therapy by pressing the GO button. Observe the patient and the device during the first cycle. Determine the angle of flexion when the device reaches its greatest height using the goniometer. Compare with prescribed degree.
15. Check the patient’s level of comfort and perform skin and neurovascular assessments at least every 8 hours or per facility policy.
16. Place the bed in the lowest position, with the side rails up. Make sure the call bell and other necessary items are within easy reach.
17. Remove PPE, if used. Perform hand hygiene.
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