
Obtaining Blood Pressure Measurement

1. Assume a position that is no more than 3 feet away from the gauge.

2. Place the stethoscope earpieces in your ears. Direct the earpieces forward into the canal and not against the
ear itself.

3. Place the bell or diaphragm of the stethoscope firmly but with as little pressure as possible over the brachial artery. Do not allow the stethoscope to touch clothing or the cuff.

4. Pump the pressure 30 mm Hg above the point at which the systolic pressure was palpated and estimated. Open the valve on the manometer and allow air to escape slowly (allowing the gauge to drop 2 to 3 mm per second).

5. Note the point on the gauge at which the first faint, but clear, sound appears that slowly increases in intensity. Note this number as the systolic pressure. Read the pressure to the closest 2 mm Hg.

6. Do not reinflate the cuff once the air is being released to recheck the systolic pressure reading.

7. Note the point at which the sound completely disappears.

8. Allow the remaining air to escape quickly. Repeat any suspicious reading, but wait at least 1 minute. Deflate the cuff completely between attempts to check the blood pressure.

9. When measurement is completed, remove the cuff. Remove gloves, if worn. Cover the patient and help him or her to a position of comfort.

10. Remove additional PPE, if used. Perform hand hygiene.

11. Clean the diaphragm of the stethoscope with the alcohol wipe. Clean and store the sphygmomanometer, according to facility policy.


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